What different rights or roles are there for users?

There are 4 different permissions or user roles in Seenons:

  1. Viewer: a viewer has limited access for viewing, reporting issues, and performing basic actions. As a viewer you can also request replacement orders, as there are no financial consequences associated with this action.
  2. Operational user: an operational user has all of the above rights, but is limited to assigned locations only. These users can only view contracts with the ability to request (additional) orders, request replacement orders and report order/material issues.*
  3. Location manager: a location manager has all the above rights and has access to all functionalities for assigned locations, without access to the settings page at the organisation level. This means that location managers can still see the locations and users for the locations they are assigned to, but they cannot edit locations or users at the organisation level.*
  4. Organisation admin: an organisation admin or administrator has all the above rights and access to everything under the organisation to which they are assigned.

More information about managing users can be found here.